A person who drives a motor vehicle on a NSW road in a manner which menaces another person with the intent of menacing that other person (or drives a motor vehicle on a road in a manner which menaces another person if the person ought to have known that the other person might be menaced will be committing an offence). Please be sure to refer to the Road Transport Act 2013, section 118(1) & (2) which sets out the offences.


This is a very serious offence, and the maximum penalty will ultimately be subject to whether it is the first time that a person commits this type of offence or whether it was the persons second time to commit this type of offence. It should be noted that a ‘repeat offender’ in relation to driving offence(s) is a person who has within the last 5 years following their conviction been the subject of a conviction for a major offence.


What is the maximum penalty for a first offender?

For a first-time offender, the maximum penalty is 18 months’ imprisonment a fine of 30 Penalty units and an automatic Disqualification for 3 years and a minimum disqualification for 12 months.


What the maximum penalty for a second/subsequent offender?

Maximum penalty for a second/ subsequent offender is 2 years imprisonment, a fine of 50 penalty units and if a conviction is recorded there is an automatic licence disqualification for 5 years and a minimum licence disqualification for a period of 2 years.


Where will this charge be heard & determined?

These charges begin in the local court and they are also finalised by the NSW Local Court. 


It is very important that you speak with a lawyer so that you can get the appropriate legal advice which you require prior to going to court.


Our team of experienced solicitors are there for you and can help you answer all your questions, so be sure to contact Nicopoulos Sabbagh Lawyers.


*This article correctly reflects the Laws of NSW as at 8th February 2023.


*Please note that this page or any other pages on our website (including any other social media platforms for Nicopoulos Sabbagh Lawyers) are not to be considered as a substitute for legal advice or even other professional advice. It should also be noted that accessing of this information from this website does not create a client-lawyer relationship.


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