In the state of NSW, it is an offence to Drive with the presence of an illegal drug in your system. There are a range of penalties which could apply, and they include any of the following:


·         Suspension of a Driver’s licence; or

·         Disqualification of a Driver’s Licence

·         Heavy fines

·         Term of Imprisonment.


Police in NSW can charge a person with a drug driving offence if a person is detected (via a roadside drug test) to have illegal drugs in their system. A saliva sample is taken from the roadside drug test and the test can occur at a random roadside drug testing unit or if you are stopped by police. It should be noted that the Roadside drug test can detect the presence of the following from the saliva sample:


·         Cocaine

·         Ecstasy or MDMA

·         Cannabis

·         Methamphetamine (ice or speed)


In the event that (any) illegal drugs are detected, then the test will be repeated and in the event that the test result is still positive then you will be required to take an additional test at the laboratory including urine samples or blood tests. It should be noted that you must NOT drive whilst waiting for the test results.


If the tests (once again) confirm the presence of any illegal drugs, you will then be charged with a drug driving offence.



First offence


(or subsequent offence)

Penalty/Infringement Notice (Fine)




Licence Suspension (if offence is dealt with through a penalty notice)

3 months



Maximum Court imposed Fine




Minimum Licence Disqualification

3 months

6 months


Maximum Licence Disqualification

6 months



Automatic Licence Disqualification (a disqualification period that applies in the absence of a specific court order)

6 months



12 months


Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

It should also be noted that you can be charged with the offence of ‘Driving under the influence (DUI) in the event that you are driving whilst affected by illegal or prescription drugs or alcohol as Drugs can be tested through the urine and blood test results which are ordered in the event that a police officer has a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that a driver of a vehicle is under the influence of a drug(s).


Below is the list of penalties which apply for first, second (or subsequent) offences:


First offence


Second (or subsequent offence)

Maximum Court imposed Fine




Maximum term of Imprisonment

18 months

2 years


Minimum Licence Disqualification

12 months

2 years


Maximum Licence Disqualification




Automatic disqualification (a disqualification period that applies in the absence of a specific court order)

3 years

5 years

Subject to an alcohol interlock order


Yes (alcohol offences only)

Yes (alcohol offences only)



For more information, please be sure to visit the government website which will provide you with a wealth of knowledge in relation to this topic and many other interesting topics!




It is very important that you speak with a lawyer so that you can get the appropriate legal advice which you require prior to going to court.


Our team of experienced solicitors are there for you and can help you answer all your questions, so be sure to contact Nicopoulos Sabbagh Lawyers.


*This article correctly reflects the Laws of NSW as at 18th October 2022.


*Please note that this page or any other pages on our website (including any other social media platforms for Nicopoulos Sabbagh Lawyers) are not to be considered as a substitute for legal advice or even other professional advice. It should also be noted that accessing of this information from this website does not create a client-lawyer relationship.


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